K-Link International Sdn. Bhd. Apps

K-Link International 4.0.0
VisionK-LINK continuously strives to conquer the global market and ourmotto “Your Global Link” leads everyone at K-LINK to be farsightedholding the vision to develop and grow the market globally.MissionK-LINK continuously provides everyone the platform and opportunityfor development and upgrading in all aspects which include health,financial, self-empowerment for better life and living.ProductsThere are 10 categories: Health Food, Health Drink, K-AyurvedaSeries, Health Care, Beauty Care,K-Parfum Series, UIE Series, Car Care, Personal Care and Household.The top selling products include K-Liquid Chlorophyll, Kinotakara,K-BioGreen, K-Liquid Organic Spirulina, K-OmegaSqua, PropolisPlatinum, Riddance, SOD Rooibos Tea, Gamat series and K-Ayurvedaseries.Global marketTo date, K-LINK has successfully penetrated the markets of morethan 40 countries worldwide through the setting up of overseasbranches, mobile stockists, stockists and master stockists, givingour distributors a solid platform to access and develop theirmarket globally.The support to distributorsK-LINK assists every distributor to be well prepared in this directselling business with the right tools and materials. The successstories of the leaders, training syllabus and product knowledge canbe found in the form of videotapes, motivational books, productguidebooks, leaflets, magazines, testimonials and many others.K-LINK has a well-structured professional training system calledK-System which offers our distributors a simple, easy tocomprehend, easy to execute step-by-step, rank-by-rank coaching soas to realize the power of duplication in the nature of multi-levelmarketing, in addition to self-empowerment and development of thedistributors.Lately, K-LINK has also been exploring more possibilities ininformation technology usage, and thus actively developing its ownMobile Apps (K-Apps and K-TV Channel), Digital Advertising (LEDbillboard) and e-Commerce (online registration and onlineordering), as part of the initiatives to keep up with thetechnological innovation and also to further improve customerexperience.Our ‘5P’ marketing mix, ‘3I’ corporate culture and ‘5S’sensesK-LINK focuses on ‘5P’ marketing mix: Product, Price, Promotion,Place and People. K-LINK always develops and brings in effectiveproducts so that more people can enjoy good health and beauty intheir everyday life. Despite the good quality, K-LINK products aresold at reasonable price so that everyone can afford to live ahealthy life. In order to boost sales, K-LINK also frequentlyoffers special promotional activities such as product promotion,sales campaign and incentives for our consumers and distributors.For convenience and global accessibility, K-LINK has set up 10branches, more than 400 stockists and thousands of mobile stockistsin all over the world, with the number of active distributorsreaching up to 1.2 million worldwide, so consumers can get to knowabout K-LINK and enjoy K-LINK products more easily. The peoplebehind K-LINK are consisted of experienced management team withstrong background inMLM, and independent entrepreneurs who K-LINK has coached throughK-System training. Hence, our consumers and distributors can berest assured of the sustainable growth of the company.To stand out from the rest, the management team and theentrepreneurs of K-LINK stand together to achieve the ‘3I’(Initiative, Informative and Innovative) culture, parallel with our‘5 senses’ (Vision, Mission, Recognition, Appreciation andBelonging) to build a strong organization in every corner of theworld.